Tentative Schedule
Local Time (GMT+2) Description
14:00-14:05 (5 min) Overview and Introductions
14:05-14:35 (30 min) Unsolved problems of social navigation: Invited Talks
Jana Tumova: Specifying and enforcing preferences on robot motion via formal methods
Dražen Brščić: Social navigation beyond safety and comfort
14:35-15:05 (30 min) Unsolved problems of social navigation: Moderated Q&A with Panel
15:05-15:30 (25 min) Shortlisted Paper Presentations
15:30 - 16:15 (45 min) Break & Poster Session
16:15-16:45 (30 min) Standardizing social navigation algorithm comparison: Invited Talks
Rachid Alami: When and how to use Socially Aware Robot Navigation?
Noe Perez-Higueras: Social robot navigation: features, metrics and simulation tools
16:45-17:15 (30 min) Standardizing social navigation algorithm comparison: Moderated Q&A with Panel
17:15-17:30 (15 min) Ultimate goals of social navigation: Invited Talks
Henny Admoni: Creating Legible Social Navigation
17:30-17:55 (25 min) Ultimate goals of social navigation: Moderated Q&A with Open Group Discussion
17:55-18:00 (5 min) Closing remarks and benchmark results
In Person Participation

The workshop will take place in the ME E - Hooke room at TU Delft in the Mechanical Engineering Building.

Online Participation

Please complete the Online Participation Form to be notified when online participation details become available.