Unsolved Problems in Social Robot Navigation
Jul 19, 2024 14:00 - 18:00
Delft, Netherlands
ME E - Hooke
room at TU Delft
In the
Mechanical Engineering Building
and Online, sign-up via the
Participation Form
Before unsupervised robots share space with humans in uncontrolled environments, they should navigate socially — without degrading the experiences of humans. Social robot navigation involves unsolved problems in safety, comfort, legibility, politeness, respect for social norms, awareness of other agents, proactivity in resolving problems, and responsiveness to context. With robots starting to emerge in our everyday lives, the study of social navigation has gained significant urgency and popularity. Our workshop is thus a timely forum for researchers in social robot navigation and crowd behavior analysis to discuss algorithmic advancements as well as improvements to evaluation methods used by the community. This event will feature invited expert speakers, poster presentations, moderated community discussion, and a benchmark challenge on unsolved problems in social robot navigation, targeted at robot navigation researchers interested in making progress on this difficult problem.
This work was funded by grant IIS-1924802 from the National Science Foundation and the European Union's Horizon Europe Framework Programme grant 101070596 - euROBIN. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.